St. Tropez Gradual Tan In-Shower Lotion Review

by - 10:06

I've been a huge St. Tropez fan for years. Their Self Tan Bronzing Mousse is 100% my go-to, number one, most highly recommended fake tan. I never get streaks, it always looks natural(or as natural as a fake tan can look), and I just think it's the best. So when I saw a few bloggers and YouTubers talking about their new In Shower Gradual Tan naturally, I was intrigued.

I have never really been a huge fan of gradual tan(which definitely stems from a terrible memory from the age of 13 when I used the Dove gradual tan, it went HORRIBLY WRONG and I had to go into P.E with streaky cheese puff legs, and the shame has never left me).

However, as opposed to most gradual tans, the St. Tropez one isn't in the moisturiser form- because let's face it, anyone who wants to waste their time waiting for a gradual tan moisturiser to soak in, in my opinion, is crazy. No, no, the clever people at St. Tropez have invented a gradual tan to use during your daily  shower routine.

I know that you are thinking this sounds crazy and will never work, mainly because I thought it too. But alas, my friends, that is exactly what it does. My views towards gradual tan have been changed forever.

So, to use this product you just go in for your shower(whatever time of the day- but just make sure you have a teeny bit of extra time) and you go about your usual shower business-wash your hair, shave your legs etc. Then, once you have done everything you want to do, you just step out of the shower(remember to turn the shower off though, because, well the environment needs you to), don't dry yourself, squeeze the product into your hand and then just slap that stuff all over your body-wherever you want a tan. *Remember to wash your hands once you've done so, you do not want  orange hands!* 

Then you just wait for 3 minutes-I choose to listen to Taylor Swift to help pass the time- after that you just switch your shower back on, hop in, rinse it all off your body with warm water only and then once it's all washed off you just dry yourself gently and you're done. It is honestly as easy as that!

It took about 3 uses before I saw myself as being "tanned", but it was such a natural looking colour. I am incredibly pale, so a really dark immediate tan looks a bit silly on me, but this just gave my skin a lovely glow, made it look a bit healthier compared to its natural blue Scottish tone. I didn't even feel the need to put on fake tan before a night out! I tend to use it every other day though, as otherwise it would run out really quickly(you are using it on your whole body after all!).

I've found that the colour lasts really well, it didn't go that horrible orange way around my elbows/knees/ankles like most tans do and it hasn't gone streaky once! I think it really is the must have product of the summer! And although you have to wait for 3 minutes, naked and still wet from your shower(which I'm sure come Christmas time might not be fun) I would still take it any day to waiting for my proper fake tan to dry!

The only down side I have with this product is that for some reason I get more of a fake-tan smell than I normally do with my St. Tropez mousse, which is a bit weird. However, it doesn't last as long, it's usually gone by your next shower.

All in all, I would highly recommend this product! It really is great, does exactly what it says it will and is just really simple to use. If you are thinking of giving this a try but are scared you will have a similar incident to the one 13 year-old me had, don't worry, I believe that this product is pretty much foolproof as long as you stick to the 3 minutes and wash it all off.

I really think that you should try this product because it is genius!

I hope this review helped you if you were thinking of buying, or if this is the first you've heard of it, I hope you consider it because I have already bought 2 more bottles for back up! Let me know what your thoughts are!  And if you buy it, I hope you enjoy it!

Kayleigh Rose    

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