Our week in Europe x

by - 16:59

Recently I got to do a little bit of travelling with one of the most important ladies in my life. My best friend Erin and I traveled to Paris for 4 days and then went on to Amsterdam for another 4 days and it was amazing.

I feel so blessed to be able to do things like this with the people I love the most, making memories and discovering new places with your loved ones is so special and something everyone should do if they can!

It really was a dream come true. It was tiring, we crammed a lot into those eight days and there is so much more that we wished we could have done, but it was so worth it! There is just too much to talk about when it comes to both of these cities! I had actually written a much longer post than this, but realised it was just too difficult to describe! Paris and Amsterdam just have a beauty about it that cannot be explained, it just needs to be experienced.

So, I have decided to post a few of my photos(there are hundreds, but these are some of my favourites), I hope you enjoy them and I hope that you get the chance to travel to these amazing places one day, they really are beautiful! I wish my pictures could do them justice!

Kayleigh Rose   

*If you made it to this picture, firstly, wow! Thank you for actually getting through them all! Secondly, this was our flight home and we were so sad! Go to Paris or Amsterdam now! Trust me, it's fun!*

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