A Princess is Born!

by - 16:12

The Duchess of Cambridge has given birth to a baby girl!! Huraaahh!

It has been an incredible weekend for anyone who loves the Royal Family(definitely me) or for anyone who loves a bit of happy news for once.
I woke up on Saturday morning to various text messages, Snapchats and Facebook notifications from many of my friends alerting me to the news that Catherine, The Duchess of Cambridge had gone into labour. Now, I am certainly not a morning person, I can barely convince myself to get out of bed for food in the morning, but this Saturday was a different ball game! That was me, glued to Sky News until we all got the news we had been waiting for via a statement made by Kensington Palace:

"Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cambridge was safely delivered of a daughter at 8.34am.
The baby weighs 8lbs 3oz.
The Duke of Cambridge was present for the birth.
The Queen, The Duke of Edinburgh, The Prince of Wales, The Duchess of Cornwall, Prince Harry and members of both families have been informed and are delighted with the news.
Her Royal Highness and her child are both doing well. "


A Princess is born.

Yes, Kate had given birth to a beautiful little Princess and it was the best news ever(And I definitely cried when I found out, and I am not sorry about it I mean, who can't imagine a little Mini-Me Kate Middleton running around in the future with her adorable Big Brother George?! #cutenessoverload).

Yes, the news spread like wildfire and the whole country rejoiced! It was such a lovely day, made even more special by Prince William bringing beautiful little Prince George to meet his baby sister for the first time(I'm not going to lie, I definitely cried when this happened too). It was such a beautiful and tender moment and it added perfectly to the news. Little George behaved impeccably for the hoards of media and well-wishers, even giving us all a very regal wave whilst in the arms of his Daddy. It was truly touching to see.



Then, the moment we had all been waiting for. Carrying her out of the door of the Lindo Wing, the world was introduced to the new Princess of Cambridge, in the arms of her flawless mother(Anyone who can be so graceful, elegant and beautiful a mere ten hours after giving birth REGARDLESS of the team that helped her get ready deserves a medal in my eyes!) and under the watchful eye of her besotted father. It was a beautiful moment, Kate and William looking more in love than ever, filled with such love for their baby girl... It really was magical. This is the happily ever after you hear about in fairytales.


Kate looked stunning dressed in a bespoke Jenny Packham dress(A favourite of the Duchess and also the same designer worn after the birth of Prince George) and a pair of nude courts, her classic enviable blow dry, she didn't put a foot out of place. She was so elegant and beautiful, making sure everybody got a wave and a smile, I don't know how anyone could fault her.

 The woman, in just 12 hours, had gone into labour, given birth AND faced the world to introduce her baby, that is a wonder woman right there. I've seen a few people make harsh comments about the fact that she looked so flawless and to be perfectly honest, I'm disgusted that anyone would think something like that. 

Firstly, she has just brought life into the world and that is not one easy task, the fact that she got out of bed and put a smile on her face, walked out to face the world's media just so the people who had been waiting weeks to meet her daughter, needs to be applauded. Instead of doing what most new mothers do, getting settled in at home, in comfortable clothes, getting to know her newborn daughter and spending the time with her little family, Kate had to do her duty and introduce the Princess to the world, when it was probably the last thing in the world that she actually wanted to do. Secondly, should we be tearing any woman down that has just given birth for the way she looks? Because if I had to face the world 10 hours after bringing a human into the world, you can be damn sure that I would want an army of make-over specialists to make me feel amazing, because I would definitely deserve it, just like Kate does!

Anyway, enough of that rant, back to the good stuff...
*All credit to the photographer at the MailOnline, from which all the above photos have been taken.

After we were introduced to her, the little Princess was whisked off to spend her first night at home with her family at Kensington Palace. Where she was visited by Grandparents(Carole and Michael Middleton and Prince Charles-along with Camilla) and Auntie Pippa the next day.
Then today it was announced to the world that the Princess has been named, and what a name it is.
Her Royal Highness Princess Charlotte Elizabeth Diana of Cambridge
I don't think there could have been a more perfect name and I don't think anyone can be surprised that Kate and William have paid the most touching tribute to William's beautiful mother Princess Diana. It is so beautiful and respectful also that their daughter has been named after another powerful woman, Queen Elizabeth II, William's Grandmother. With a name like this, I think we can be sure that our little Princess Charlotte will be one beautiful, thoughtful, caring, intelligent and powerful woman just like her mother, her Grandmother and her Great Grandmother.

So, welcome to the world Princess Charlotte! The whole world is so excited about your arrival, there is so much love for you! Congratulations to The Cambridge family, what a wonderful little pack you now make!

Kayleigh Rose  

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