November 2015 Favourites !

by - 13:34

Hi guys! 
How are we all?
 Told you I wouldn't wait as long for another post, I even started this one early just so that I was ahead of the game and didn't have any excuses! 

So, I genuinely cannot believe that it is time for November favourites already! This year has felt like one of the quickest years yet! It has just flown in!

I'm really excited that it's time for November favourites because it means that it is time for my birthday(which was on the 29th of November), yaaaay!
Here's me super excited that it was my birthday with my Disney Princess balloon!

 But it also means that in a few days, it will actually be acceptable to be super excited for Christmaaaass!!

However, before becoming prematurely excited about Christmas, let's get on with this months favourites!

I only really have three beauty favourites as I wasn't very adventurous this month with the old beauty products because it is coming up to Christmas and I have a few people to buy for, so I couldn't really justify spending loads of money on myself, so actually all the beauty favourites are budget friendly-hurraaaah!

First up is a little eyeshadow palette that I randomly picked up at the very start of the month in Superdrug. It's by Revolution Makeup, which as far as I am aware is a kind of budget makeup brand stocked by Superdrug.
I normally don't really pay attention to these kinds of brands because I am a great believer of paying good money for quality products. However, I will admit that budget makeup brands are actually doing pretty well, for the price of the product, the quality is pretty good!

I picked up this "Salvation" Eyeshadow Palette when I was at the till as it was only £4 for an 18 colour palette, which is amazing in my eyes! Obviously the pay off isn't as fantastic as a premium eyeshadow would be, but for that price it's a great brand to use for your everyday, work/school makeup I think. I don't think you can fault it for the price at all!
And I have used it pretty much everyday since I bought it, so it had to be in this months favourites!

My next beauty item is the Nivea Men Sensitive Skin Post Shave Balm. 
Now, I know this may seem like a strange one, but trust me, I haven't been shaving my face! I was watching Scottish YouTuber Jamie Genevieve(who is just amazing!) and in her October favourites she included this as a primer. She raved about it so I thought I would give it a try, I'm not really sold on primers, but this changed the game.
I think I got it for about £2.50 from Superdrug on a deal, I think it's normally about £6, and it is absolutely amazing! You just apply it with your hands after you have cleansed and moisturised, before you put your makeup on, and rub it into your face until it goes slightly tacky. Then you apply your base makeup and it just makes your makeup sit so much better on your face and it definitely keeps mine there for longer!

I would 100% recommend people to try this, even if you are unsure, it's extremely inexpensive and you get 100ml, so it's a total bargain! Plus it smells amazing and handy if you cut your legs shaving! Go try it!

My last sort of beauty item(not sure if it counts as beauty, but oh well!) is a new discovery which I am absolutely, head of heels in love with! I cannot believe I am only discovering it now! My friend Emna introduced me to this, and I've never been more grateful!
It's a perfume by Zara Women called Oriental and it is absolutely stunning! It smell unbelievably good, I would describe it as a mix between Viktor and Rolf "Flowerbomb" and Paco Rabanne "Black XS". And Flowerbomb is my signature scent so this is perfect for me.

But the best thing of all about this perfume is that it only costs £7.99!!!! 
That, to me, is just amazing! A 100ml bottle of really nice perfume for £7.99, I don't think you can complain. It does have a very strong alcohol smell when you spray it(as obviously the ingredients are not as expensive as your higher end perfumes), but leaves you after two seconds and you are left with that beautiful smell, it's perfect!
 It would be a great stocking filler this Christmas and really great to use for work/school to avoid wearing your expensive ones everyday! 
Well done Zara, I am so impressed by this!
I can't stop telling people about it!

Moving on from beauty, my next favourite is tv show called Peaky Blinders by the BBC.

This show is AMAZING! It's set in Birmingham in 1919 and it is set around a gang called the Peaky Blinders and their leader Tommy Shelby on his quest to move up in the world. I saw the first season on Netflix and was hooked straight away! I watched it in a day and I'm now on season 2. Unfortunately Netflix doesn't have season 2, but my mum has it on dvd so I've been able to watch it. It can be quite violent at times, but it's just gripping and I would recommend it to anyone! I can't wait for the third season!

I also have a weird crush on the character of Tommy Shelby, which I didn't expect at first, but don't judge me-watch it and then you'll understand- he's a total babe!

Also for any Tom Hardy fans(I know there are quite a few of you), he stars in Season 2...
So go! Run! Watch! You won't be disappointed!

My next favourite I actually feel a little bit embarrassed to admit... But it's ok, because I know a lot of other people feel the same way, so I don't feel AS bad...
But guys, I was really loving Justin Bieber this month!! I know, I know, please don't judge me! I can't believe that I'm putting this out there to be forever on the internet. 

But seriously, the dude has brought out some pretty banging tunes of late! I mean "Sorry" and "What Do You Mean"? Those are some pretty darn catchy tunes he's got going on, you just can't help it! 

I mean, I'm not going to sit here and rip Justin Bieber to shreds, he obviously has a lot of fans, it's just that I ever so slightly missed the age where everyone fell in love with him and it was cool to love him., so I myself have never really been that into him.
But I'm seriously digging his new songs, they have definitely found their way into my Spotify playlist!

Next up is just a favourite in my life in general, but since she has a new Hunger Games film out this month, she's pretty much been everywhere at the moment. 
That's right, it's the main lady herself,  the undeniably amazing Jennifer Lawrence herself!

Now, I'm not a Hunger Games fan myself(I personally find it a little too jumpy and it scares me- and I am not a fan of scary movies), but I don't care, I'm just glad she's back in our lives because she is one of the coolest people in Hollywood!
From her refreshing take on the medias expectations of women and how they should look and act, her ability to laugh at herself and show us all that even amazingly talented, superhumans make mistakes sometimes. How down to earth and fun she is(you need to see her in this prank video)- to her more serious side.
She is using her voice and position in the media to fight for gender equality and speak up about issues regarding the gender pay gap.
 And THEN standing up for herself against people who assume she only has these issues because she wants more money, never mind the fact that she is raising awareness of a very serious, global issue and in doing so, she is no doubt involving the younger generation and welcoming them on to this platform which I think is an amazing thing. 
Basically the woman rocks and she seems pretty amazing inside and out!
You go JLaw!

Last, but by no means least, on the favourites list this month is H&M.
I have always been a fan of H&M, but I do find it a bit hit and miss sometimes, like all shops. But this month I have fallen back in love with it. Every time I have been in this month I have had to buy something because I just love the fashion they have in at the moment. 
It is also where my dress from my last post was from and I am just in love with that, as I am with the two jumpers I also bought from there!

Another reason to love them this month is that the glorious Katy Perry is fronting their Christmas campaign, and I can't get enough KP in my life as it is, so I ain't complaining about that! 

So thank you very much H&M, you have been fantastic this month!

And that's everything for this month! I have had a really great time this month and I'm sad it passed so quickly! But now we can get into the full Christmas joy throughout December(So I'm not too sad!)

I hope you enjoyed this post and let me know what you were loving throughout November!

Here's to a great month! Stay safe and have fun!

Kayleigh Rose      

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