My Week in Pictures

by - 15:50

The last week was a pretty busy one for me, I was working a lot plus my work finally had their Christmas 2014 night out(yep, you read that right! That would be for LAST YEAR!) and didn't really have the chance to blog. 

So this week I have decided to just post a few pictures of what I got up to in my spare time!

First up are the only two acceptable photographs from the staff night out! We went to a place called The Tiki Bar and Kitsch Inn and it was amazing! If you live in Glasgow or are ever visiting, you have to try this place out!
It's a kind of Caribbean/Exotic Island themed rum bar downstairs that is just awesome and has some amazing drinks, cocktails and pretty cool bar staff(I'm not sure if he's still there but I was in a while back and there was a guy with a crazy cool moustache!).
Upstairs is The Kitsch Inn and the food is unbelievable! It is so reasonably priced and it just tastes amazing! The guy serving us knew his stuff, was more than happy to help and just gave us a great night out, I cannot recommend this place enough! I have been craving the food ever since, It's mainly Thai food and like I said, if you are in Glasgow you should definitely give this place a go!

The drink below is a Brugal Anejo and Ting and it is soooo good! The drink is served in this open top chilled can, it is the coldest and most refreshing drink. It's just so yum! I've never had a bad drink in this place and if you love rum(like myself), or you love getting drinks served in cute glassware(you know you do!) it's the place to be!

This is my friend James and I after a few Brugal and Ting's, he is clearly loving life! I am too, I'm just clearly taking this photographic opportunity a lot more serious!

I then worked the rest of the week and miraculously got a weekend off work and decided on the Friday night I would be true to my wild self and have a nice relaxing night, light some nice candles and plan some blog posts for the upcoming seasons. See, I will be prepared!
I then cosied up with a Disney film(shock horror, it was Cinderella). 

With my Saturday night off I spent the evening with my little mumsy!
We stayed in the West End and went for dinner and then to Booly Mardy's for the best Bloody Mary's you will find in Glasgow! This is another place you should head to if you are ever in Glasgow town! You should really head to the West End in general, it's just a great place to be and there are a million cool things to see and do!

On Sunday I decided that I should really get back on the wagon when it comes to exercise(it's been too long to say) and I actually really enjoyed it. When it comes to exercising, going to the gym has never really worked for me. I start with great intentions and then about 2 weeks in I give up. I've found that going out for runs, going out on my bike and also using YouTube  are the things that work he best for me. I actually really enjoy it when I get into it and I find exercising and home keeps me dedicated for some reason. I been using videos by Lucy Wyndham--Read and I felt the burn from day 1. Her videos are really easy to follow and if you are the same as me when it comes to exercise I would suggest you give her a try!

Lastly, I was headed back up to the West End with my friend James for drinks and couldn't start the night without a little Sunday selfie! I really enjoyed this makeup look for relaxed drinks with friends, so naturally I had to document it! I'm thinking of doing a little post for this makeup look, so keep an eye out!

I hope you enjoyed this little post and I promise I will have a more substantial post up next time! thanks for reading!

Kayleigh Rose        

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