June 2016 Favourites

by - 04:34

Hi Guys! 

I cannot believe that I am actually writing my June Favourites! This year is flying by so quickly, it's unbelievable! Is this just a thing you have to accept when you get older?! As if it's not bad enough that time seems to be running out anyway, it's doing it at the speed of light!

This was Glasgow on the 1st of June! We have had some amazing weather this month and it has been so good!! I know people from other countries will think it's crazy to be this excited by a little sunshine but if you've ever been to Glasgow, you'll understand.

Anyway, enough babbling and on to the reason we are here! 
It's the end of June, so that seems like the perfect time to talk about all the things I was loving this month.

First up is a product that is by means new to the world nor is it, I'm sure new to favourites lists, however it is new to my life and it is the Laura Mercier Foundation Primer. Now, this primer has been on the market for so long and it is loved by so many people, but I have always been a bit funny about using Primers and thought that they were a little unnecessary. 

However, the more I use them I definitely see a difference in the way my makeup applies and also in the longevity of my makeup. And I am really loving this Laura Mercier one. I know that there are different variations of this primer depending on your skin type, but I thought I would go for the original first to see if I liked it and I do! I don't even know if I would try the oil free one, I have oily skin but I find that the original primer keeps that in check anyway, but the oil free one would probably be the best option if you had really oily skin, I would say mine is more oily/combination. It is on the pricier side as primers go, but I do think you get a really quality product, you can barely feel this on the skin and it does just give you a really good base to apply your makeup. So, I would recommend you give it a try if you have the money to burn.

My next favourite is the Urban Decay Beached Bronzer in Sun Kissed

I really love this bronzer, which is strange for me as I'm usually a Rimmel bronzer kind of gal, but I may have been swayed by this bad boy! I literally haven't picked up my Rimmel bronzer since the day this came in the post. I did do some research on this bronzer and watched/read a lot of reviews and I think the shade "Sun Kissed" was definitely the best choice for paler skin. A lot of the reviews said the other shade which is "Bronzed" would have been too dark for someone with a paler complexion. I really like the formula of this bronzer, it may sound silly but I think that it goes on to your skin so smoothly, I have quite a lot of texture on my skin from old scars and I find that this doesn't go patchy around them at all. And you don't get too much pay-off either, which personally I like in a bronzer because it makes it buildable. Again, if you're like me and you are used to using the Rimmel bronzer, this may seem quite pricey but you are definitely paying for the quality of the product with this. Also the packaging is BEAUTIFUL! Which helps too! So, if you're in the market for a new bronzer, this one is pretty good! 

This next favourite is one I have been using for a while, I think I first picked it up in April and I have been using it ever since and I had to repurchase this month and it is the Kiko Extra Sculpt Volume Mascara.

 I first saw Kathleen Lights using this-I'm pretty sure it's one of her faves- and when I found out there was a Kiko store nearby I immediately went and purchased it and I haven't looked back since! This mascara is so good! I just love it and I don't know how else to express that. It does exactly what is says, your lashes are so volumized without looking clumpy. The brush is a little big, and I do sometimes end up with some on my lids, which is a little annoying but I can see past that because I love it so much. I don't wear this on my bottom lashes, just because I find the oils in my skin break it down quite easily, so I'll stick another mascara on my bottom lashes. But apart from that, I think it's pretty great, especially for the price! 

My next favourite definitely was not a favourite when I first got it , it's the Makeup Forever Ultra HD Foundation, I have mine in the shade Yellow Albaster. 

I didn't love this foundation at first because I had done a lot of research on it, had heard rave reviews about it being this great, full coverage foundation and then when I first used it, it was like putting water on my face. And I was really annoyed about it, however after trying out different applicators I have finally found a way to make this a fuller coverage foundation, by using a blending sponge. And since I have been using a sponge to apply it, I have fallen in love with it. Haven't used any of my other foundations, not even my trusty Vichy Dermablend! I'm so glad I love it now because I was so excited to try it after hearing for so long about how good it was and I was so disappointed at first! It now gives me a full coverage but I think it makes my skin look really radiant for a full coverage look, and my skin doesn't feel like it has loads of product on it. I think I will do a separate blog post on it and go in to more detail, but I'm very glad that it made its way into my favourites!

A product I have been really loving this month is the Anastasia Beverly Hills Pro Series Contour Cream Kit, I use the shade "Fair". 

I have had this contour kit since Christmas, I received this and the powder contour kit as a present, but I had only tried the cream contour out a couple of times, it scared me a little and I just couldn't be bothered. However, this month I started using the white/pearly shade as a highlighter and I'm obsessed with it! It is so good! So I decided to be brave and try out the cream contour and I am loving it! Now, don't get me wrong I'm not going all Kim K with the contour, it is very subtle-I'm not a fan of the extreme contour look, personally- but I just love the base I get with this and it means I don't have to go in as heavy with the powders because I already have my base shape. I find the easiest way to go about is to use a small buffer brush to put the colour on and then blend it out with a trusty sponge. I know contour is scary, I'm with everyone on that-but I honestly love this now and practice just makes perfect. I think it makes my makeup look a lot more polished.

Moving on from my makeup favourites this month, these are my more random favourites- just things I've found myself drawn to the most this month.

First up is a scent, that I first wore in my first year at university and EVERY time I spray it I am taken straight back in time. 

It's Hugo Boss Boss Orange and I just love it. I don't really wear it very often, but I find I've been reaching for it quite a lot this month and I think it's just because it is quite a summery scent, without being a sweet scent, which I usually go for. So it's a nice little change for me and it makes me feel a little nostalgic to being a little first year.

My favourite tv show, without a doubt, for the past while has been Game of Thrones. I am obsessed!

I had tried to watch it ages ago, couldn't get into it, couldn't be bothered giving it my full attention and I gave up. But not this time. I dedicated myself to the cause, binged on the first 2 seasons and I am now about to start Season 4-so no spoilers please! I cannot believe I waited this long to watch it! Although, some parts have inevitably been spoiled because people can't keep their mouths shut! But I am really loving it and I'm having to stop myself from binging because I don't know if I can catch up and then need to wait a year for the next season-I will not cope well with that!

Sidenote- I am completely obsessed with Emilia Clarke(who plays Daenerys Targaryen) I think she is so unbelievably beautiful, clever, funny-
From @emilia_clarke Instagram
I just have the biggest girl crush on her ever! 

My Technology favourite for this month, definitely has to be the Peak Brain Training App, which is free to download, and basically every day you do different brain training challenges to help with different aspects of the brain.

It keeps your brain in shape and works different parts of your brain like memory, attention, problem solving, etc. It's just a fun little game that keeps your mind going and it's nice to challenge yourself and see your improvements throughout the month.

Last, but by no means least, is my favourite food/drink item of the month. I say food/drink because it's technically a drink but it is honestly like a dessert . 

Photo taken from @starbucksuk Instagram

It's the Starbucks S'mores Chocolate and Marshmallow Frappuccino and OH. MY. GOD. IT'S SO GOOD! It's also probably my weekly calorie intake in like one sip, but I can see past that if you can? It's a chocolatey, marshmallow creamy coffee dream in a cup topped with a graham cracker crumble! I honestly must have had like 4 or 5 of these this month and I know I shouldn't have and I know I moan at myself for eating rubbish but I'm not even sorry about it.

Honestly, go get yourself one of these asap. You can thank/hate me later.

And there we have it friends! My June 2016 favourites!
I'm sorry if it was a bit long, but I was just clearly loving life this month and I hope you did too!
If you have any questions about my favourites or if you think that you have favourites that I would also love, please let me know! I would love to try out the things you guys have been loving too!

Wishing all of you wonderful people and amazing July! I hope it's a good one!

Kayleigh Rose     

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