I'm back and this time I'm in business!

by - 04:39

Hey guys, very long time no see! 

I have taken a serious break from my blog, which I must say I am a little bit disappointed with, however I had so much going on in my life and something had to give. 

But I am back, and I am determined to seriously give this blogging thing a go again. Mainly because it's actually just a really nice creative outlet to talk about the things I love, the things I'm doing and just life in general. I don't even know how many people will actually read this or enjoy it, but if you do then thank you very much! I would love to ready any comments from people reading this post or any other on my blog. If you've never been on here before, there are a few posts that you may enjoy. Like my recipe for Salted Caramel brownies... It's an older post but I promise it's a goodie! 

Anyway, I've been away for so long that I should probably give you an update on my life.

The last time I posted on here was over a year ago which is crazy! I had recently visited Venice with my boyfriend David and I'm pretty sure I had promised to keep going with the blog!
 Ooops, I obviously lied about that! My bad! 

Well, since then A LOT has gone on!

Firstly, I have become a fully qualified makeup artist which is a dream come true! I have wanted to do this for a long time! In fact, I left university after my third year because I knew this is what I really wanted to do. That was 5 years ago! So it wasn't a decision that was taken lightly. And with a huge thanks to my Dad, I managed to book a place on the Pro-Makeup Course at The Academy of Makeup here in Glasgow, which is run by amazing makeup artist Sara Hill. 

Here are all my favourite girls from The Academy!

I'm going to try not to ramble too much on this post, and honestly I should do a separate post about the academy because there is just too much to write here, but just know that I had the most amazing time! Met some crazy amazing Makeup Artists and met quite possibly the best bunch of girls any girl could wish for! But like I've said, I will need to talk about this in a post of its own to be able to do it justice!

Secondly, I made another huge life change and that was to move in with my amazing boyfriend, David. 
Now, I do not want to be that mushy girlfriend that only wants to go on and on about her other half, but I think a little bit of mush is ok!

I don't actually have any photos of the flat so here's a cute one of us!

We moved in together in October and we have just recently hit the 6 month mark in our gorgeous flat, and honestly we are having the best time living together. I was definitely a little scared, I have never lived with a boyfriend before and I was moving out of home with my mum, so it was a big step. But honestly, it's been great. Don't get me wrong, at times it has definitely been stressful and it is a big slap in the face from reality when you can no longer spend money on anything you want because now you have a lot of bills to pay!

But for us, I think it's definitely worth it. We've grown so much as a couple and I think I've grown as a person. I can see me rambling on with this too... I think this may also need to be a seperate post! 

Thirdly, I left my comfort zone and left my job working in a bar that I had been in for 4 years to move to a 9 to 5 job in a bank.
I wanted to have 9 to 5 job as I've never worked one and I thought that it may help me get into makeup, as I'd have better working hours.
And it did do that, but not quite in the way I expected!

 I'm not going to lie, I absolutely despised that job!
 Don't get me wrong, there were good points to it, but the bad did outweigh them! It was a call centre job, working with the corporate side of the bank, which I knew I wouldn't love but hey, it's 9 to 5 and it pays regular money... Could be worse!

I'm not going to go into great detail about the job and why I hated it as much as I did. I'm sure if you've ever worked in call centre you will understand. Just know that it really wasn't for me and I take my hat off to anyone that can stick it out!
I hated it, every night I would come home and I would cry. Or i would just sit, mind numbed by the day, totally drained by everything that I had done that day and I just couldn't take it. 

That's when I took the huge decision to leave, which brings me on to my fourth big bit of news.

I have started my own business as a makeup artist!!!

It's very scary and very stressful and I'm probably going to be quite skint for a while, but I know it will be worth it.
I decided to take the leap with the help of David, who has really been such a rock through all of this, and my amazing family! Especially my Dad. We had a big discussion about my job at the bank and how much I hated it and he made me see that life is too short to be that miserable in it!

So, with a lot of help, I decided to do it! I've only been talking about it for 5, nearly 6 years!

I'm only one full week into it properly, but it's already been an experience!
I currently have a spot in a salon in the centre of Glasgow called 'Hair in the City', where I work in a little makeup room just off the salon and I've already had my first few clients, which is really exciting!

I'm also looking into doing bridal work, editorial and commercial work which I think will be amazing!

It has been quite stressful getting everything set up and getting my kit started and figure out websites and social media, but it is really exciting and I have an amazing opportunity to do what I love for the rest of my life. If you want to take a look my instagram is @kayleighrosemakeup
So hopefully a lot of hard work and determination will get me there!

I thought it might be quite fun to blog about my experience along the way,.
I don't know if it will help anyone who wishes to become a makeup artist themselves, but it's a kind of insight into how things work and you'll be learning with me as I go along!

Some work from a Photoshoot with amazing brand Electro Rebel

I will try to post an update with it all as regularly as I can(I'm going to pray my next post wont be a year away as I'm actually very determined this time!), and I want to let you all know what I have in my kit, what I love and how I get on as I try to make my way into this crazy business.
So stay tuned!

Sorry if this post has been ridiculously long and perhaps even boring for some people, but I felt I couldn't just randomly post something when it had been over a year. And I guess this is kind of like a diary for me, so it will be good to look back on and see where I am in the future. 

So, if you've stuck around until the end, I thank you very much and I hope you'll keep up with the blog and what I'm up to!

If there is anything you'd like me to discuss, please leave a comment and let me know! 




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