Festive Fun at Edinburgh's Christmas Markets 2015

by - 17:41

Hi Guys!
How are we all?
I hope everyone is feeling super festive right now! I'm not going to lie, I have been struggling slightly as I have been working pretty mental hours this week(you know, working in hospitality at Christmas= no life for the whole month, right?), so naturally getting into the spirit of things has been a bit tricky, even for a crazy Christmas lover like me! 

So, last week on one of my only days off, my friend Claire and I went through to meet our friend Heather in Edinburgh for the amazing Christmas markets, and trust me, it well and truly put me in the festive spirit! 
As much as I hate to admit it(coming from Glasgow and all), Edinburgh's Christmas markets are truly stunning! They put the Glasgow markets to shame! It's the most festive place ever! They have just went all out with the decorations, I cannot believe it has taken me so long to actually go to Edinburgh at Christmas time!

They have so much going on! They have your standard Christmas market stalls selling amazing food, drink and lots of random things to inspire your Christmas gifts. But apart from the standard Christmas markets, they also have amazing pop-up bars that are just decked out head-to-toe in festive cheer, they have so many activities and rides. They even have a Christmas tree MAZE!!! How fantastic is that! It is also spread out all over the city centre, the whole place is decked out in Christmas!
We wandered around for hours, just taking it all in.

I absolutely LOVED the Carousel Bar, I think it is the most fantastic thing ever, what a great idea! However, I wouldn't want to have more than one or two drinks on there... That could end badly on a moving bar!

It was just such a wonderful night, sent with two amazing girls that I haven't seen in soooo long(Claire lives on a little island called Barra) and we just had such a great time catching up and taking in the amazingly festive atmosphere! I genuinely cannot believe I'm saying this, but I am starting to fall in love with Edinburgh, they have won me over with the beauty of their city at this time of year!

If you are from Scotland, or you are here visiting for Christmas, and you get the chance, you NEED to go visit the Edinburgh Christmas markets! They are truly, stunningly festive! I am sure you will not leave disappointed!
So I thought I would share a couple of my photographs with you from the evening, perhaps they will get you into the festive feel of things! They aren't the best photographs in the world, but I was having too much fun and didn't want to spend my whole night taking pictures, apologies!
But I hope you enjoy them anyway! Let me know if you went to Edinburgh this year, or if you recommend any amazing market places to go! And carry on spreading festive cheer! It's the only thing getting me through these next few weeks! 

Oh, and Glasgow City Council, please take note: Edinburgh is kicking our butts in serious Christmas style! Get your act together please!

Kayleigh Rose      

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