August Favourites

by - 13:02

I cannot believe that it is actually time for my August favourites already!!

Where has the summer gone?! I feel like I blinked and missed it!

 Summer is over and it's now time to welcome in the darker evenings, the autumn chill and berry coloured lipsticks! 
But just before we do this, I'm going to round up my favourite things from the month of August!

This month is definitely a random mix of everything. As the month went I by so fast, I feel I can't even remember it beginning, so it's not the lengthiest list, but I hope you enjoy it anyway!

First up is what has to be one of the best mascaras I have tried for a very long time! It's the Maybelline Lash Sensational Mascara which I used in my last blog post.

If you have shorter eyelashes, then this mascara could give you the long lashes you desire! I can't believe how dramatic it makes my lashes look and every time I have used it, someone has either asked me if I'm wearing false lashes or which mascara I have on. Even my mum didn't believe me when I said I wasn't wearing falsies!
It's just a really great product and it also really easy to take off... I would almost compare it to Benefit They're Real Mascara(without the nightmare effort to remove it at the end of the day!). It's super lengthening and it does an ok job of giving a little volume boost. I would definitely recommend trying this bad boy out!

Next up is my new Topshop nail polish in "Caught Your Eye"

I am really loving Topshop Beauty at the moment. I just think it's really good quality for the price! Everything I have bought from the range I have absolutely loved. And this nail polish is no different. It was really quick drying and only took a few coats to get a really strong colour. I've had loads of compliment from it and it's a really nice, fresh colour. I'm getting as much use out of it just now while it's still appropriate(it's definitely more of a summer colour!). I'm very happy with this purchase! I will definitely be spending more time trying out the Topshop range!

My next favourite I only bought a few days ago, but I'm absolutely in love with it! I picked this up from Home Bargains(of all places).

 It's a plastic makeup organiser and it's probably the best £5 I have ever spent! I can't find a link for this, but I think you can get ones similar on the internet. This has totally changed my morning makeup routine!! It is so much simpler now because everything I use on a daily basis is just there for me to use and I can find everything so much easier! If you are like myself and have a crazy amount of makeup, I would highly recommend investing in a few of these, they are perfect!

The next favourite is quite a random one, and you will probably think I'm really weird, but hear me out! It's the Cien Cotton pads from Lidl.

 I know, now you think I'm weird. But these are genuinely the best cotton pads I have ever used! They are thick enough that you don't use too much product on them, they don't fall apart at all and they don't go all that soggy/horrible way when you are taking off your makeup. Another bonus to them not falling apart is that when you are taking off your mascara they don't catch in it, giving your eyelashes a santa beard!
So, if you are ever near a Lidl, go in for these! That's all I buy from there and it's totally worth the trek to one!

My last kind of physical favourite are these little copper tealight holders which are also from Home Bargains.

 I'm not sure if they are available in them all but they are only 89p each which I think is an absolute steal! They are super cute and look really nice! Plus, they are copper so who wouldn't love them! I am very happy with this little purchase!

Now onto the more random favourites!

First up is The Great British Bake Off! I am so glad this is back in my life! I love this programme a little too much! If I haven't caught up on it, I wont let anyone talk to me about it. Last year I found out who had won before I got a chance to watch it and I'm still upset about it! I don't know how anyone could dislike this show! You learn so much and get so many baking tips! Plus, Mary Berry- need I say more?! If you can get this, you should 100% watch it, who knew baking could be so intense?

Next up is an app which I have loved for a very long time but had forgotten about it. It's from the website and it's basically a relaxation/meditation app. 

It's all about just taking a few minutes out of your day to relax and rest your mind. I know a lot of people are slightly sceptical about meditation and think that it's just hippies with flowers in there hair that believe in it, but i really is a powerful thing. I wish I used this app more religiously because I feel a huge difference in my mental state when I do.I wouldn't say I suffer from extreme anxiety but I do go through anxious periods(which can range from days to weeks o months)where I really struggle to deal with things, I can't sleep or feel at peace and I find using this app every day really helps me to put things into perspective and help me deal with situations. I recommend this to everyone because I really think everyone could benefit from it. I think it's important to not only look after your physical health but also your mental health and this really does help. Please give it a try, especially if you suffer from any kind of anxiety, I think it could really help out.

Last up is probably my ultimate favourite for this month! Disney's live action Cinderella has just been released on DVD and Blu-Ray and if you haven't seen then you need to get on that RIGHT NOW!

 I fell absolutely head-over-heels in love with this when I went to see it in the cinema! I think it is just perfect! Lily James is just absolutely stunning! She is the perfect Cinderella and Richard Madden is the perfect Prince Charming or "Kit". This is just the perfect Disney film that I can just lose myself in and enter the fluffy world of Disney!
All the Cinderalla photographs do not belong to me, I found them on Google Images and the photo credits go to and and all rights for the film go to Disney of course.

 I cannot describe my love for it! Its fast becoming one of my favourite Disney films(which is a very bold statement)! If the live action Beauty and the Beast(my favourite movie of all time!) is anywhere near as good as this I will be one happy bunny!
My favourite scene is when Ella and Kit are dancing and she says,
"everyone is looking at you"
and Kit says to her,
"Believe me, they are all looking at you"
It is just perfect!!!
The film has such a lovely message, it just gives you all the perfect Disney feels, about being yourself and to
 "Have courage and be kind".

So that's it for my August favourites! I hope you enjoyed them! Let me know all the things you've been loving this month, or if any of my favourites were the same as yours. And here's to a wonderful September! I hope it's a wonderful month for all of you! I'm so excited for Autumn!!

Kayleigh Rose    

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