Super Tasty Salted Caramel Brownie Recipe

by - 16:28

This week I'm sharing my favourite brownie recipe with everyone.

I took inspiration for this from a a few months ago and I have just tweaked it myself over time to suit my preferences.

These salted caramel brownies are such a lovely treat and give you a warm fuzzy feeling of cosiness, now that we are entering the chillier autumn/winter season.

I absolutely love these brownies and I have had approval from quite a few friends, luckily, they are very willing taste testers!

These brownies are quite a bit of work and you will require an electric mixer(if you don't have one, then you are going to need some serious arm muscles to get through this!), I only have a cheapy little electric mixer from Morrisons that cost me around £8/£10 and it does the job perfectly! If you have a stand mixer you are very lucky and this shouldn't be anywhere near as strenuous(Cafe Latte KitchenAid Artisan Mixer= Life Goals!).

They are really indulgent and are perfect for sharing at sleepovers, movie nights or any friendly get together. They should last about 2 weeks in an airtight container or you can freeze them and they should keep up to a month, so you can definitely bake them in advance!

The ingredients you will need for this recipe are:

185g of unsalted butter
185g of good quality dark chocolate
40g of cocoa powder
85g of plain flour
275g of caster sugar
3 eggs
Salted caramel sauce(or you could make your own salted caramel- I did not do this, I went with Marks and Spencer's finest ready made one)
100g of any chocolate you like(I like to use Galaxy Caramel Collections Salted Caramel chocolate, it's soooo good! But you can use anything you like, you could even use half milk/half white chocolate)
 Some icing sugar and salt flakes(both of which are totally optional).

Once you have all your ingredients together, pre-heat your oven to 180C(160C for a fan assisted oven) or gas mark 4.

First thing you want to do is melt your dark chocolate and your butter together. You can either do this on the stove, in a glass bowl, over a pan of boiling water(making sure the bottom of the bowl doesn't touch the water) and just keep stirring that until it has melted together. Or you can stick it in a microwavable bowl and pop it in the microwave for about a minute and a half(but keep checking it every 20 seconds and giving it a little stir).

Once you have melted your butter and dark chocolate successfully and it's looking all delicious and tasty, set it to one side and allow it to cool down to room temperature.

You now need to get to work with your eggs and sugar(this is where the electric whisk comes in to play).

Crack your eggs into a large bowl and add all of your sugar. With your electric whisk on full speed, whisk the two together until it becomes really thick and creamy. It will become very pale and about double its original volume. This can take a little while, it just depends on how fast your mixer is. For me it takes about 7 minutes, don't give up! you will get there! It's done when it starts to look a bit like a cross between melted ice cream and a milkshake. It's kind of like an eggy mousse.

Now thats done, you need to add your cooled chocolate/butter mixture into your sugar and eggs(it must be cooled or it will start to cook the egg).
You need to do this carefully, by folding in the chocolate with a plastic spatula, try doing this in a slow figure of 8, folding it under and around itself, making sure it is all mixed through. If you just mix it in too quickly, you will knock all the air out of your eggy mousse and you will have wasted all your hard work.

The mixture should become a deep brown colour.

The next step is to add your flour and cocoa powder(put both of these in the sieve at the same time and tap and shake it over your mixture to ensure that it doesn't have any lumps).

As before, gently fold your flour into the mixture in a figure of 8, slowly to reduce the air knocking out of the mixture.

 It will look very dry and you'll think I'm crazy but be patient and carry on, it will turn into a fudgy mixture. 

Make sure you don't over-mix it, otherwise your brownies will turn out really dense.

Now pop in your chocolate of choice and mix that through. 

Line a tin with greaseproof paper(I also rub a little butter over the tin, not really sure why, but I always do it, I find it helps the paper stick to the tin, making it less awkward to manoeuvre).
Now pour half of your mixture into the tin and spread it evenly across. Try to make sure you have a good helping of your chocolate in this section.

Once you've done this, it's time to bring in the salted caramel(omnomnomnom). Take a teaspoon at a time and pop little chunks of your salted caramel across your mixture(you can do this any way you like, I just pop it across randomly, wherever I can find a space), you can put as much or as little as you like, this is all about preference. But in my eyes, the more the better! I then also like to add a little sprinkling of extra salt flakes across each helping of caramel, but you don't need to do this.

Once you are happy with your caramel distribution, pour the rest of your brownie mix on top and even it out with your spatula.

Now you just need to pop your tin into the middle shelf of your pre-heated oven.

You will need to leave your brownie in there for about 20-25 mins, or until the brownie doesn't wobble on top when you give it a little shake. If it does wobble, it's not done yet, pop it in for another 5 mins and make sure you have a shiny top and the the brownie is just coming away from the sides of your tin.

Once your brownie is done, bring it out of the oven and leave it in the tin until it has COMPLETELY cooled, this is genuinely the most difficult part because it smells amazing and your inner child will want to eat it straight away, but DON'T DO IT!

Once your brownie has completely cooled, bring it out of your tin and cut it into little squares(trust me, these are so rich and indulgent you don't want to make them too big, because they will just go to waste), then give them a light dusting of icing sugar for presentation.

And now you can dig in! These are amazing with a nice glass of cold milk or the perfect accompaniment with a lovely cup of tea!

I hope you enjoy this recipe and find it easy to follow!

 I love making these brownies and experimenting with different flavours to put in them. Please let me know if you give them a go yourself or if you have any questions.

Kayleigh Rose      

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