Easter 2016 Celebrations

by - 07:35

Hi guys!
Happy Easter!!
Sorry if you don't celebrate Easter, but wishing you happy thoughts anyway!

So this weekend was Easter weekend and it is literally one of my favourite times of the year(except Christmas obviously!) because it means I have finished lent and can finally enjoy all of the Easter chocolate and also because it means that I am getting to enjoy the time with my favourite people in the world!

This little post is just a selection of my favourite photos from my family Easter Sunday celebrations, I thought I'd share them with you all!

Every easter my Mum makes the most amazing roast lunch/dinner and my family and I act like we are children again and paint eggs, do easter egg hunts, play games and just generally have all the fun! 
Who wouldn't want to do that?!

This year was made even more special because my best friend, who moved to Australia in August to do some travelling, surprised me two weeks ago by turning up at my door unannounced.
Now, of course this is extremely exciting anyway(and I'm not gonna lie, I definitely ugly cried and just about passed out when I saw her), but not having her here for Easter was really getting me down because we are a wee team and she already missed out on our Christmas celebrations, I couldn't believe she wouldn't be here to help win the annual Easter Egg Hunt! So this year I was just so grateful for everyone being there and us all enjoying it together. And legit, one of the first things she actually said when she walked through my door was "I'm gonna be here for Easter!".

Anyway, I think any occasion like this is just fun to celebrate and be around your loved ones, catching up and just having a really good time. Also, you cannot fault Easter chocolate, it's the best thing ever! Which is why I chose to make a selection of tasty Easter treats using some of the best Easter chocolates!

I made some Creme Egg "Scotch Eggs" which are literally the most chocolatey things you will ever eat! I could only eat one half at a time!

I also made some chocolate cornflake Easter nests, some chewy Easter Rice Crispy Bars with Smarties and Creme Egg Rocky Road. They were all so delicious and I feel that I have totally overdosed on chocolate, but it was so worth it!

I hope everyone had the best weekend ever, whatever way you chose to spend it!
(I also hope those of you that took part in them, won your Easter Egg Hunts! Erin and I were the champions for the second year running-yaaass! Below is me showing my pride for our achievement!)

Let me know what you got up to and how you like to spend your Easter and if you baked anything fun! Thank you so much for reading and I hope you all have a great week! 

Kayleigh Rose        

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