A Very Royal Ski Trip

by - 02:00

Hi Guys!
So this post is probably not gonna be one for everybody(like my best friend who will not appreciate it in any way-soz babes!), but if you've read a few of my posts you will probably know that I absolutely love the British Royal Family and I especially love HRH The Duchess of Cambridge(a.k.a, Kate Middleton) and have done for a very long time! 
So, if you don't like the Royal Family then I'm gonna say this probably won't float your boat.

Great, now we have that little disclaimer out of the way, let's get on to the reason we're here.

So, like I said, I'm a huge fan of the Royal Family. I've loved Kate since she was just the future King's girlfriend at a little university an hour and a bit along the road from Glasgow. Therefore, naturally I get very excited when anything new is released about our wonderful young royals and this week were were unexpectedly given access to The Cambridge's first holiday away as a family of four!

I cannot tell you how excited this actually makes me, getting new pictures of them any time is very exciting, but since we've only had a few glimpses of beautiful little Princess Charlotte it makes it even more special! 

I mean, come on! Look at those little faces!!! And Prince George's little bobble hat!! How can you not love them! Princess Charlotte is so unbelievably cute in that little snow suit! I just can't deal with it!

The photographs were released yesterday, a few days after the family got back from their holiday, which I actually think was a lovely idea. I know people get annoyed at them not wanting to be in the public eye, but I think it's nice that, whilst their kids are young, they are trying to give them as normal a life as humanly possible. I know it's an extremely privileged life, I'm sure they'd be the first to admit that, but it is also one that none of them were asked to be born in to. So I think that it's nice that they invited only one member of the Press Association to take a few photographs, it made the photographs so much more personal and human as opposed to staged ones with fake smiles. Their staggered release also means that the family weren't then hunted down by the press who would have inevitably swarmed them and ruined their time away.

These photographs are so personal, so beautiful and just make me love them even more! I love how natural all the photographs released by the Duke and Duchess have been recently, it really does add a personal touch. And like I said, it makes them all the more human!

I love this photograph! Princess Charlotte is so like Prince George! And her two little bottom teeth? Too much to handle!

These photographs of William and Kate are just so lovely! I love seeing them like this, so happy and relaxed, it's such a beautiful thing to see them so happy! They just bring such a breath of fresh air to the Monarchy! I think it is so nice to see that they can have fun in official photographs and that they clearly love one another and enjoy each others company.

I don't know how you couldn't love seeing photographs like that, they genuinely make me so happy!

This was the statement made by the The British Monarchy Facebook Page along with the photographs this morning:

"The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are delighted to share these new photographs of their family, enjoying a skiing holiday with Prince George and Princess Charlotte in the French Alps.
The Duke and Duchess invited the Press Association's Royal Photographer John Stillwell to take the photographs earlier in the week.
This was their first holiday as a family of four and the first time either of the children have played in the snow. It was very special and a fun short holiday for the family and they are grateful that John Stillwell was able to capture the moment so well."

I think statement is just so sweet, it's lovely to think of these little kids, just doing what every normal child loves to do, go out running around, playing in the snow(I still love doing that and I'm 23!).

These were just such a lovely surprise this morning and I enjoyed them so much, they make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside with the cuteness overload! I also love how flawless Kate manages to look in freezing temperatures and in what should be the most unflattering clothes(they certainly would not look that good on me!). I also love how grown up little Prince George is now! He is just so cute that it hurts! I can't deal with his little hair and that bobble hat!!!

So, yeah. This was just a nice little surprise and I wanted to post about it because I love to post about this gorgeous little family! And it is also very nice to wake up and see this on the news, it makes a change from some of the things you wake up to read in the news. 

I love them so much and things like this just make me feel happy! So I hope they made you feel happy too!

Kayleigh Rose    

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